notation list

notation list

List signatures of the signed artifact


List all the signatures associated with signed artifact

notation list [flags] <reference>


      --allow-referrers-api   [Experimental] use the Referrers API to list signatures, if not supported (returns 404), fallback to the Referrers tag schema
  -d, --debug                debug mode
  -h, --help                 help for list
      --insecure-registry    use HTTP protocol while connecting to registries. Should be used only for testing
      --max-signatures int   maximum number of signatures to evaluate or examine (default 100)
      --oci-layout            [Experimental] list signatures stored in OCI image layout
  -p, --password string      password for registry operations (default to $NOTATION_PASSWORD if not specified)
  -u, --username string      username for registry operations (default to $NOTATION_USERNAME if not specified)
  -v, --verbose              verbose mode


  • notation - Notation - a tool to sign and verify artifacts
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 19-Sep-2023
Last modified September 19, 2023 : added CLI reference content for v1.0.0 (651ca24)